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Scientific Comittee
Scientific Program
Untitled Document

TOPICS [printer friendly]

1. Forest Research in Romania
(invited lectures)
Forestry in Romania -current situation and new challenges
The Silver fir in Romania
2. Ecology of Silver fir (incl. pathology)
3. Genetics of Silver fir (incl. provenance trials)
4. Silviculture of Silver fir (incl. sustainable management, forest reproductive material etc.)

2,5 day for scientific presentations
2,5 days for field trips to the silver fir stands near Brasov along the Prahova Valley

LANGUAGE: conference language will be both English and German

EQUIPMENTS & MEDIA: projector (slides, video, audio), laptop, beamer, flip chart will be supplied.
Please do not forget accesories for field trip, in the case of bad weather.


There will be possibilities for an early registration on Sunday 4th September 2005 at 18.00-20.00 and Monday 5 September 2005 on 8.00-9.30. Location: Poiana Brasov - Hotel Poiana.

Sunday 4th September 2005 - Arrival
15:00 - 20:00 -Registration
20:00 - "Ice breaker" at the hotel bar (not included in the conference fee)

Monday 5th September 2005
8.00-9.30 - Registration
10.00-11.00 - Symposium opening. Official welcome addresses from IUFRO, MAPDR, RNP, ICAS
11.30-13.00 - Plenary session (part 1)
13.00-14.30 - Lunch
15.00-18.00 - Plenary session (part 2)
18.00-20.00 - Visit of the Brasov old city. Orgue concert in the Black Church

Tuesday 6th September 2005
8.30-12.30 - Plenary Session - presentations
12.30-14.00 - Lunch
15.00-18.00 - Plenary Session - presentations
18.000-19.00 - IUFRO Bussiness meeting
19.00 - Joint Dinner

Wednesday 7th September 2005
8.30-11.00 - Plenary session, conference "wrap up"
11.00-18.00 - Field trip in Postavaru Mountains

Thursday 8th September 2005
8:30 - 18:30 - Field trip II "regeneration / old stands" (lunch included): Prahova Valley / Forest Districts Predal, Azuga, Sinaia.
Sight seeing: hunting museum Posada (Sinaia).

Friday 9th September 2005
8:30 - 19:00 -Field trip III "Management / Forest pathology"(lunch included): Forest Districts Sacele, Brasov. "Wrap up of the excursions". Sight seeing: Dracula castle and Rasnov fortress

Saturday 10th  September 2005
8.30 - Departure (bus shuttle to Bucharest, Sibiu etc.)
