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Scientific Comittee
Scientific Program
Untitled Document


Call for papers and posters [printer friendly]

The organizing committee invites abstracts for papers and posters to be presented as part of the scientific conference. Please provide an abstract including title, author with affiliation, and 3 key words as digital file. Please use the abstracts sample file (both Microsoft Word 97 or above).

Publications. The organizers are arranging a peer review process for a special issue of the Anale ICAS (Romanian Forest Research Institutes Archives) as a separate volume no. 49.

Additionally, all contributions (oral and poster presentations) accepted in their final version will be included in CD-ROM-Proceedings as extended abstracts.

Important dates
July 21 extended deadline for registration and abstract submission
July 25 notification of acceptance and 3rd announcement
September 4-9 symposium
October 31 deadline for paper submission for publication

