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Forest reserves from Bucovina   Calimani Forest Reserve (from Calimani National Park)

Calimani Forest Reserve is situated in the mountainous with the same name, in the basin Negra Sarului, affluent of Bistrita river. This strice forest reserve occur in the list of strict forest reserves from 1971.

From the administrativ point of vue, it is on the territory of commune Neagra Sarului, departement Suceava and is incuded in the management plan og the
Calimani Forest Reserve The forest reserve include the parcels 65-70 of the Working Unit V Neagra, having a total surface of 800 ha.

Loction of the forest reserve

Geografics coordonates: 47°19' latitudine N ºi 25°17' longitude E. Altitude - between 1450 and 1780 m. Forest reserve is situated in the high mountains region, on a relief where predominate slopes with inclination of 10-40°. General aspect is north-eastern.

Lithological substratum is vulcanic, the clima of the boreal tip, cold and wet, characterised by mean annual temperatures from 4° to 2,4°C and mean annual precipitations of 970 to 1150 mm. The climatic regime is presented in the following figure.

Walter-Lieth climatic diagram, Calimani Meteo Station (1500 m alt.)

The ecosystems depends of the altitude: in the boreal level are present Norway spruce and mixture of Norway spruce and Pine stone forests, in the subalpin level, Juniperus forests and Norway spruce and Pine stone glades. In this ecosystems can be founded the folowing species: Picea abies, Pinus cembra, Sorbus aucuparia, Larix decidua, Pinus mugo, Alnus viridis and Rhododendron kotschyi.


