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The period 1775-1949

În the general context of the European silviculture, the forest benefit of an important attention from the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, which included Bucovina from 1775: in 1786, the Emperor Iosif II-nd emit

"Orandueala de padure pentru Bucovina" - the first Romanian Forestry Code, together with

"Pravila de vanat (Law of the deer)".

The Bucovina's forests property was changed, from monasteries to the Romanian Orthodox Found of Bucovina, being created a permanent object of experimentation, in that time, on the all Austrian-Hungarian Empire can't be found forestry domains of this surface (227 422 ha).

In time, by the foresters from Bucovina was conducted experiments regarding:
- the elaboration of forestry cadastre (1854);
- the delimitation of the forestry reserves - 19 657 ha of protection forests (1910);
- the elaboration of the methods for the management plan of forests;
- the surface and structure of the unit of forest management;
- the endowment with instalation of transport and communication;
- the methods of harvesting and wood processing.
In the inter-war period, caracterized by an advanced qualitative and thematic level, was developped investigations regarding the introduction of exotic species, studies about the Norway spruce's resonance wood, cynegetics, forest protection.

Remarkably are the writing for the inspector's exam, which represent also today, models of applied research, close in relation with the activity from the field. The Monograph of Romanian Orthodox Found of Bucovina, elaborated by Stefan Garbu in 1934, is a good example in this sense.

This period is distinguished and by an effervescence of the publications and periodical magazines. With the presence on the pages of "Revista Padurilor (The Journal of Forest)" - the official journal of the Romanian Forest Administration, in Bucovina was edited the folowing journals:
"Ecou de codru (Echo of forest)" (1928-1930)
"Codrii Bucovinei (The Bucovina's Forest)" (1931-1937), with the initial name "Revista Pădurilor Fondului Bisericesc (Jornal of Orthodox Found's Forests)"
"Ocolul silvic (The Forest District)" (1936-1938)
"BUCOVINA FORESTIERA" (Forestry Bucovina)(1943)
"Silvicultorul (The Silviculturist)" (1936-1938).